π‘#BONFacts - Did you know we also offer the BON Trial Days experience for all our interested and prospective parents?
Back to popular demand, we invite parents to experience our #bonstudentsuccess by registering for our FREE trial classes BEFORE making the decision to enroll in the UAE's most-awarded preschool chain 

Register to learn more about our world-class facilities, BON culture, academics, and other extra-curricular activity programs which helps enhance and exceed our child-developmental milestones #learnwithbon 

British Orchard Nursery's innovative academic environment seeped in our motto of #learningmadefun helps motivate our little ones to be agents of change and helps them progress to becoming leaders of tomorrow 

To know more about our innovative practices, jumpstart your child's future, and enroll for our FREE trial days, kindly contact us on the number:
+971 54 586 5340