Registration Pack



Environmental Policy

BON believes it is its responsibility to abide by all the legal and other applicable laws and regulations or guidelines to which British Orchard Nursery has subscribed for. BON pledges to create sustainable environment for preserving and cultivating planet Earth for next generations to come. Continual improvement in environmentally sustainable growth is our motto.

BON is committed to :

  • Protection of environment including prevention of pollution and other specific commitments relevant to BON
  • Reduce waste, electricity and water usage
  • Use renewable resources wherever possible throughout all schools
  • Create regular environmental awareness days and e vents in schools to promote the eco-friendly message
  • Encourage the use of the 4 R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle & Rethink) through awareness and outreach programs
  • Communicate with all stakeholders to uphold BON’s Environmental Policy

  • Health & Safety Policy

    BON considers the health, safety and welfare of staff and students to be of paramount importance, and that a safe and healthy working environment is a prerequisite to achieving BON’s goal to promote excellence.
    When it’s a matter of safety for our stakeholders, there can be no conciliation in health and hygiene standards. BON understands that the wellbeing of all those in out care is of principal significance.
    We pledge in the organisation to be true in achieving all the set objectives towards health & safety by being committed towards

  • To provide a safe and healthy working environment, safe premises and facilities for staff, children and visitors
  • To create for employees, a working environment where potential work-related stressors are avoided, minimised or mitigated through good management practices, effective human resources, policies and staff development
  • To provide extensive supervision on all aspects related to health and safety to prevent all possible injuries and ill health
  • To ensure compliance with all the legal and other applicable requirements
  • To ensure that staff have access to appropriate training and development to enable them to discharge competently the responsibilities assigned to them
  • To have an effective communication and consultation on health and safety matter, and securing the co-operation of all stakeholders in implementing the Health and Safety Policy
  • To have in place arrangements to plan, implement , monitor and review measures to address risks arising from BON’s activities
  • To strive to improve continually BON’s health and safety performance, measuring it's progress against agreed performance standards and benchmarking

  • Quality Policy

    BON believes that all its stakeholders are entitled to expect quality service, pleasant environment and positive experiences in their interactions with British Orchard Nursery. Each stakeholder entitled to courteous, prompt and careful attention to their needs and expectations through process based approach.

    Our Quality Manifesto endeavours to :

  • Have leaders that shape the organization’s future – creating a culture of excellence, driving improvement and acting as role models for its values and ethics
  • Implement its Vision, Mission and Values by developing a stakeholder focused strategy thorough clear plans, policies and procedures to deploy the strategy to ensure customer satisfaction
  • Identify and respond with agility, efficiency and effectively to any possible opportunities and threats
  • Value its people and create a culture of inclusion and empowerment for achievement to both organisational sand personal goals by harnessing the creativity of its stakeholders
  • Consistently add value for its stakeholders by understanding, anticipating and fulfilling their needs and expectations
  • Enhance its capabilities by effectively managing change within and beyond its organizational boundaries
  • Generate increased value and levels of performance through continual improvement and systematic innovation while complying with statutory requirements and the Quality Management System
  • Achieve sustained outstanding results that meet both the short and long term needs of all its stakeholders
  • Have a positive impact on the society it operates in by enhancing its performance and simultaneously advancing the economic, environmental and social conditions within the wider community
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