Events Calendar

Painting/Messy Day
It's time to get Messy! Children and parents alike are invited to explore their creativity, at a range of painting stations with different materials and activities. Some stations may include, spray painting, marble painting, foam activities, and pasta painting. Overall it is a very messy week for the children, but it is filled with fun, laughter, imagination, inspiration, and cooperation.
Painting and Messy play has always been an enjoyable way for children to practice their fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination, whilst also building their perceptual awareness of colours, shapes and textures with various art mediums, tools, and techniques.
Allowing children to have fun together through shared experiences improves their social skills and helps them to form relationships, friendships and connections with others within the nursery.

Paddington Bear's Birthday
Happy Birthday Paddington Bear! It is a wonderful time of the year when all of BON takes part in the annual teddy bear picnic, to celebrate our favourite bear's birthday. To celebrate this special occasion, children transform into little bears..making teddy hats and teddy bear ears. In the early morning, our little bears arrive at school with their favourite teddy. The day is filled with so many fun filled opportunities; our little bears participate in cooking activities, join in teddy bear songs and dances, and may take a trip to the library to ready teddy stories. The children enjoy being whisked away into an imaginary world, as the garden area has been transformed into 'We're going on a Bear hunt' story or a picnic for the children and their teddy bear.

Parent Coffee Mornings
More than Greeting and Meeting! BON's first Parent Coffee Mornings began as an informal gathering for parents to socialize and ask questions about parenting issues. It has since grown to be a great forum for parents to come together and learn best practices from professionals and raise their most challenging questions. Guest speakers have discussed topics such as child safety, nutrition and eating habits--picky eaters!, age appropriate milestone development, preparing for Primary school, and famous children's book authors. Parents share ideas for current topics to be discussed , such as questions about KHDA changes and how it will affect their child's education placement and goals. All of BON branches offer this meeting to their parents termly.

Monthly Doctor Visits
Say 'Ahhh!' BON students participate in role play as doctors and read about doctors in the classroom. It is a fun way to help students be familiar with the equipment and process for a real doctor visit. Every term, a licensed Doctor visits our nurseries to provide a general check up for children. The doctor and nurse will check things such as the temperature, ears, eyes, throat, lungs, and heart. It is a great opportunity for the students to associate with a doctor and see what the doctor's equipment does.

Eid Celebrations
'The Major Festival'! BON celebrates Eid Al-Adha, also called the 'Feast of the Sacrifice', 'The Major Festival', The Greater Eid', 'Baqr 'Eid' or 'Tabaski'. It is the second of 2 religious holidays celebrated by Muslims worldwide each year! BON takes honour in celebrating local traditions and enjoy many different activities within the nursery.

Festival of Lights! Diwali is the Hindu and Sikh festival of light. The children decorate the school with bright and beautiful decorations, which they have prepared throughout the week before. Everyone arrives dressed in their beautiful national dress and throughout the day the children participate in various activities. The activities include making chocolate and coconut balls, rangoli art with rice and glitter, and dancing to Indian music. The day is filled with great fun celebrating with friends and staff!

Orientation Day
First Day of School Tips! It is a big day for both parents and students to prepare for the first day of school. Orientation Day is scheduled before the first day of school in September. This is time made for new students and parents to attend to meet their teacher and the BON Team. A presentation highlights what parents and students should expect, such as how to drop off your child the first few days, policies for health, quality, and safety, healthy eating, school calendar, etc. It is a great opportunity to visit the school, ask questions, and meet the team before the first day of school begins.

UAE Flag Day
Raise your Flags! Children arrive to school with a wonderful display of UAE flags everywhere. British Orchard Nurseries have raised the building size UAE flag to honour the UAE. Students have studied about the UAE and the colours of the flag for the past week and have participated in many activities that promote the appreciation for the country we live. Students have been busy making their own flags and painting. The student's that have been studying Arabic, sing the National Anthem on Flag Day. Students and Staff come to school wearing the bright UAE flag colours.

UAE National Day
Traditional UAE Day! National Day is one of the biggest holidays celebrated in the UAE. BON staff and children spend at least one week preparing flags and National decorations for the event. BON children arrive to school dressed in beautiful traditional clothing or UAE colours for the celebration. The morning begins with singing the National Anthem. The rest of the day is spent celebrating with different activities . The school are excited when they enter the school and see the beautiful decorations, in which they helped prepare.

Christmas Celebrations
It's a Holly, Jolly time of year! The students and staff deck the halls with snowflakes, snowmen, lights, Christmas trees, and student made decorations. It is a great time for students to celebrate giving to others. Classes have cookery and activities, such as card making, sculptures, and picture frames promote sharing and giving, something they have put thought in, and present to their parents, friends, and loved ones. Children arrive to school on the last day of term looking festive in their holiday dress. The students spend the day celebrating with fun, class games, activities, snacks, AND a visit from SANTA CLAUSE to deliver gifts to the children. It is a joyous occasion for all!

Winter Concert
Let it Snow! Let it Snow! BON Nurseries are filled with lots of snowmen, snowflakes, and fantastic Winter Wonderland talent for the Winter Concert. Children are dressed in festive costumes to showcase their songs and stories for their parents. Parents are rushing in with excitement to get a good seat and record their little darling performing. Staff are greeting the children and parents with cheer and enthusiasm as the children are seated and settled for their performance. At the end of the concert, students are excited to give their mummies and daddies a very special handmade gift that they prepared just for this special occasion!

Dentist Visit
Oh My Children, What Clean Teeth You Have! After learning and role-playing in the classroom about dentists and the importance of tooth and gum care, BON children are visited by a real dentist. The Dentist uses puppets and props to act out a little show for the children, explaining the importance of brushing teeth and eating healthy. After the interactive puppet show the children watch an educational cartoon and then receive a goody bag that includes a stylish new tooth brush and tooth paste. Foundation and Nursery children are examined for cavities and are fascinated to see the dental tools and sit in the dentist chair. Parents are met with excited children, showing their new tooth brush and dental report.

Sports Day
'Ready? Set? GO!' Every now and then it can be a treat for students, parents, and teachers to be a part of a school event aside from the usual classroom routine. The famous 'Sports Day' allows children experience lots of practice in dances and relay races to show case their talent for their parents. It is a great day filled with cheering, music, dancing, and racing. The children learn the concept of teamwork and learn a range of skills from hand and body coordinating o fine and gross motor skills. At the end of the performance, every child receives a medal for participating and doing their best. Parent's gleam, as their child is presented with a medal and join in to take photos with their 'Sports Day' Star!

Posh Paws Visit
It's Animal Madness at BON! Children love Posh Paws visits to the School. Posh Paws is an animal sanctuary that visits schools and nurseries to educate children on animals and their welfare. The children are so excited meet the pygmy goat, chicken, tortoise, a hedgehog and many other critters. Every BON branch that is visited, donates to Posh Paws as a good will for their cause. Posh Paws is a non-profit organisation run by a team of volunteers and animal lovers who rely on donations alone to support the animals that come into their care.

Foundation School Trips
Time for New Learning! Foundation student are getting ready for 'big school' and have the opportunity at BON to experience school trips, after a unit study, that are more suitable for older children. The school trips add additional learning experiences outside the classroom. Some students have had the exciting experience of riding the Metro after studying the unit about travel. Others have attended Dino Live--the largest dinosaur Exhibition--after studying dinosaurs. It is a very exciting time for students and brings to life the learning in the classroom!

Chinese New Year
Let the Celebrations Begin! Chinese New Year is the most important traditional festival and celebration for families in China. BON has an International make-up of students, which makes a fantastic opportunity to learn and study about cultures around the world that some of their classmates celebrate. BON students enjoy learning about the Chinese New Year celebrations through stories, music, artwork, and games. Parents will often bring gifts or snacks to their child's classmates to celebrate. The school is adorned with Chinese lanterns and art work.

100 Days in School
Hip! Hip! Hurray! 100 Days in School is more than just a milestone met, it is a great opportunity for BON students to practice and learn math skills. The day is celebrated with 100 day decorations throughout the school, creative artwork with the number 100, songs, poems, games, stories--such as 'Centipedes One Hundred Shoes.' It is a great teaching day filled with play!

Valentine's Day
Love Is In The School! What a great day to encourage students to show those we love how much we appreciate them. February 14th is filled with heart shaped activities at BON! Children are busy making heart shaped cards to give to their mummies and daddies. Cookery class is cooking up special heart shaped foods to share with parents. The day is filled with cutting, pasting, colouring, stories, and cookery.

Earth Day
Protect our Planet! Earth Day is an annual event that is celebrated worldwide, in April, to demonstrate support for environmental protection. BON Students learn the importance of protecting our environment all throughout their studies in the Nursery. BON is associated with the DEWA conservation awards and provide awareness campaigns and practices throughout BON Nurseries. Children learn about water and electricity conservation, recycling, re-using. and reducing. Activities on Earth day may include junk-modelling activities, recycling activities linked with the home, reading of stories about our environment, or guest speakers that visit the nursery, such as Dubai Electricity and Water Authority.

Toddler, Nursery Art Gallery
What a treat for parents! BON's Art Exhibition show cases each child's incredible artwork. The exhibition highlights many of the wonderful topics the children learn in Term 2. Art work may include topics such as, travel ( children learn to recycle using tissue boxes re-modelled into travel suitcases); countries around the world (with amazing personalized painted flag designs); and plants and growth ( Children may display beautifully finger painted popcorn trees and plants.) Many of the Children take part in collaborative canvas paintings, highlighting their ability to work together on more detailed and challenging pieces of art work.

World Book Day
It's Dress up Time! Children at BON love dressing up as their favourite story book character for our World Book Day Celebration. Celebrations include activities such as, making book marks, teddy bear masks, Gruffalo models, and collages made from the children's favourite book! During the day, children may visit different classrooms to listen to a story read by the teacher in that room who is dressed up as a character from the book she has chosen to read. Another alternative activity that may be chosen, is to invite parents in to the class and read with their child. Children love this activity, as the room is set up with pillows, chairs, and fun displays of books for them to choose from for their parent to read. Children have a heightened awareness of books and the pleasure that can be obtained from them!

UK Mother's Day
Mums Around the World! BON takes the opportunity to teach children that mother's are celebrated worldwide. They may celebrate a different time of year from other countries, but that we all appreciate our Mums and have a special day of the year set aside to celebrate our mummies. Stories are read about mums, stories about a child's mum might be shared during Show and Tell or Circle Time. Activities may include making special cards for mums and cookery classes to prepare a little treat for Mum.

UAE Mother's Day
BON Celebrates Mothers! Children love making their mummies feel special! Students work during the week to prepare a lovely card, artwork, and cookery items to give to their mummies on their special day. Classes may invite the Mums in for a special celebration with games, music, and lots of hugs. It is a great day filled with lots of love and appreciation!

Spring is here! Students enjoy learning the different cultures around the world. BON students are excited to learn that Easter is not only a significant religious day for many, but a time to celebrate the new beginnings that Spring brings. Students enjoy learning about baby animals, the budding of new flowers and plants, and the fruits and vegetables that are planted at this time of year. Activities may include planting flower or plants, visiting a zoo, reading stories about spring, and cookery classes and vegetable/fruit markets.

International Family Day
Celebrate Diversity! International Family Day is an annual event that brings together BON's parents, teachers and students to celebrate the international diversity or our School. The nations are represented with flags. Students are encouraged to come to school in traditional dress. There are many stories and games planned for the day for families to participate in. A favourite part of the day is a sampling of traditional foods.

Foundation & Nursery School Trips
The 'Wheels On The Bus Go Round and Round!' Foundation and Nursery classes love the ride on the big yellow bus almost as much as the school trip! To further the children's learning experiences and give them a fun day out of the nursery environment, students visit such places parks, libraries, Eating Establishments for cookery, Children Science Museums, Zoos and Aquariums. It is a fun day for all! School trips are a very important part of development in the BON curriculum.

Wold Environment Day
Go Green! World Environment Day is celebrated every year in June to raise global awareness and to encourage citizens take positive actions to protect nature. It was instituted by United Nations. BON Students are eager to participate in the many activities planned for the day. Students are encouraged to come to school wearing green. Children are read stories such as, 'The Trouble with Dragons' and discuss ways that each class member can make a difference. Circle time is filled with songs, poems, and playing games that involve recycling. Students are engaged in activities that involve re-using--such as junk modelling.