Registration Pack

We Accept Children from Ages 45 Days to 6 Years

Open Day Event

Unlock the journey to your child’s new beginnings with British Orchard Nursery, as we invite everyone to attend our FIESTA happening on the 2nd, 4th and 5th September across all our branches 📍

💡Meet your favorite COCOMELON stars and engage in all the fun-filled activities of the day such as:

🚀 Color your favorite characters J.J, Cece, Bella and Nina,

🚀 Pebble Painting

🚀 Bag the Balls

Register today by sending us a message or WhatsApp us on the number -

+971 56 507 1068.

Limited slots available as per our strict Covid-19 protocols being adhered to! ✅


🍉Get Ready, it’s time for COCOMELON! 🍉


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