Dear Mommies,
During these harsh times, we tend to feel alone and worried constantly especially as mom’s, the constant question we might face is what if all this time at home will affect my children?
How about instead of feeling alone, we learn from each other and help each other through this!
Together we can provide advice, someone to talk to and a needed community.
Thankfully this is what I found in the Mommy BON blogs, I found support and I found that we are all thinking and going through the same which gave me the push I needed to remember we are all great mommies and we are doing the best we can!
So thank you BON mommies, without the simple support we provide each other things would be a little bit harder and thank you to the teachers and principals at BON for being extremely caring and patient, helping our children grow even from a distance, BON has provided us with a mutual support system!