Dear Mommies,
Isolating at home with children is an arduous task that requires constant creativity and attention. Thinking of ways to keep them active and engaged and coming up with activities and games they enjoy is no simple endeavor; I almost have a panic attack thinking about their omnipresence and clamoring of attention. When my company decided to initiate work-from-home, I instantly knew that being a work from home Mom with young children is a recipe for insanity.
As grateful that I am about my husband and children being healthy and safe at home, I knew I needed extra help with managing my career and raising my children during this period of quarantine. Enter into the eLearning scenario; I was quite apprehensive about stepping into this unknown territory of eLearning, dreading that it will add to my unending lists of chores. But with the easy adaptability and accessibility of the BON APPle eLearning program, I soon grew extremely thankful for their presence in our lives.
The teachers at BON are amazing who have charmed their way into our hearts and have become a permanent fixture in our lives during this period of chaos.
My very grumpy toddler with an attention deficit problem now sits transfixed during her video calling sessions with her teachers, while my husband and I are allowed a few moments of peace.
The teachers come up with daily activity sheets, games, craft activities circle time and dress-up days that help keep my toddler enraptured, which is no easy task!
I would just like to end by saying that parenting during quarantine is no easy feat. It's confusing being alienated in an unknown parenting territory and left with many sleepless nights of anxiety, which is why it is okay to take extra help during this time.
Take the extra help; it is the Parenting 101 to survival during quarantine!
Thank you BON for doing the unimaginable and taking care of my hyper baby, our family will be forever grateful to you.